Insights Discovery® Connecting with Customer



  • Early bird: USD440 (RM1,750)/pax
  • Regular: USD490 (RM1,950)/pax
  • Groups of 3 or more: USD440 (RM1,750)/pax

* Prices subjected to local government tax

Venue/Platform: Online live via Zoom or WebEx
For more info: Email Program Inquiry
HRDF Claimable: Yes
Registration Closing Dates
Early Bird: 5 Mar 2021
Regular & Group: 12 Apr 2021

About the Program

Sales teams and account managers often must build rapport with their customers quickly, which isn’t always easy, especially when done over the phone or using virtual conferencing tools.

Insights Discovery® Connecting with Customers program helps customer-facing individuals build better connections with customers from the very first contact and improve their performance at each stage of the sales cycle.

This program supports individuals to deepen their understanding of not only themselves but also their customers, as well as the six important steps to a sales relationship. By exploring the Insights Model of Selling, learners will discover their strengths and weaknesses at each stage and learn how to develop these to increase their selling success.


The 2 x 3.5-hour sessions are supported by a pre-session e-Module, a personal profile and job aids to help learners achieve the learning objectives. As a result of the program learners will:

  • Explore the color energies, identify when they are overused and how they can be used to improve connections
  • Understand their approach throughout the six important stages of a sale
  • Develop strategies to build better relationships with customers quickly and effectively


The Insights Discovery Connecting with Customer program can help learners achieve outcomes such as:

  • Trusting relationship with customers
  • Delivering values to customers based on their hidden needs
  • Connecting faster with customers to deliver results
  • Creating a competitive advantage against competitors

Who should attend

This program is suitable for individuals and teams at all levels who are working in a customer-facing role, including:

  • In a sales role, or function connecting directly with customers
  • Business development or account management teams who are developing relationships with clients
  • Anyone who needs to influence other stakeholders as part of their role

Training Facilitator

Unable to locate Global Block
Unable to locate Global Block


Bookings are closed for this event.

LNS Training Terms & Conditions.

  • Registration for the program operates on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Submission of the program registration form via the website, along with the payment confirmation, would be deemed as confirmed registration.

    If you have any further questions, please email us at